The Andromedan Saga (Among the Stars Book 1) Page 13
“Nah, I don't want to be part of any war. It’s pretty good here.” Steven scratched his head using his finger nails. “Thanks for the offer any way.”
“Ok then. We don’t want to waste any time here, especially at these times. We will be taking most of the weapons and ammo. We will leave ammo and weapons for you and the crew.” Samson said.
“Ok.” Steven said.
“Sandy go and grab what we need from defence wing. And be quick.” Samson said to Sandy.
“I will do that.” Sandy said.
Sandy and other soldiers went to defence wing for weapons and ammo. It took them one hour to move the required weapons and ammo to the Humvee.
At the time they finished moving captain Steven and the crew were drinking coffee from level four. Samson went to level four and stood beside captain.
“Captain, we finished our job here. So we better get going. See you soon.” Samson said.
“Ok. Good luck with the war and all.” Captain said.
“Thanks.” Samson said.
Samson left the cafeteria and went to the military Humvee. Sandy and others were already inside the Humvee. Samson got inside the Humvee and the driver put the vehicle in drive. The Humvee rushed through the gravel road towards Saxonvilla space research center.
Chapter 34
Saxonvilla Space Research Center, Green Planet, Two Weeks Later
“Hand me the microscope.” Lucy said to one of her assistant.
“Here you go mam.” The assistant placed the digital microscope in front of Lucy.
There is only a little scars left on Lucy’s face now. She is well and healthy. Lucy placed the sample below the objective lens and looked through the eye piece.
“Interesting...This is astounding...Samantha, please note that the pheromone we obtained from the Saxonvilla forest is attracting the monkey virus and both of them are combining to become neutral.” Lucy said.
Samantha a young medic with spectacles noted down what Lucy said on her tab. “Noted mam.”
“Good!” Lucy said. “We may be able to develop a cure for this monkey disease from this.”
“But mam, we could develop a cure if the pheromone actually reverses the effects of the monkey virus. It’s only combining with the monkey virus to form the neutral compound.” Samantha said.
“Your right about that. But we could may be able to alter the pheromone in some ways so that it reverses the damage done by the monkey virus. What actually matter here is that this pheromone attracts all the monkey viruses. We could program the reversal behaviour inside the pheromone along with its attraction property.” Lucy said.
“Dually noted mam.” Samantha said.
“Graham, do you get anything good?” Lucy asked
Graham looked in Lucy’s direction from his wheel chair. He have been looking at the genetic structure of the pheromone for some time. “I didn’t get anything good. But I do get something else. This pheromone’s genetic structure is similar to that of monkey virus. There is difference only in one thread. Everything else is same. If we know the properties of all links we may be able to find something that can revere the effects of the monkey virus. But chances are slim because what happened to the inhabitants is mutation. It is very difficult to reverse the mutation. There are lot of laws that need to be rewritten if do succeed.”
“Those creatures must have a cure in their possession. If we somehow infiltrate their base station we may get something useful.” Lucy said thinking about many things.
“You may be right about that, but chances for that is also slim. For that first our soldiers need to get into the enemy base through those wolfdogs. According to my information the wolfdogs are their first line of defence. We still don’t know anything beyond that. From what I heard and experienced those Xhilarians are far more powerful. Their weapon systems are very advanced. I don’t think our soldiers stand a chance against them.” Graham said.
“But our soldiers saved you and others last time by killing dozens of Xhilarians. You think that as lucky?” Lucy asked.
“I didn’t meant anything. I am just assuming things.” Graham said unable to look into her eyes.
“No, you didn’t mean anything.” Lucy shifted her concentration back to the microscope in front of her. “What I really don’t get is why they implanted an explosive in the forest.”
“May be to exterminating us.” Samantha said.
“What’s your point?” Lucy asked.
“My point is that maybe they know we are looking for a cure to this monkey disease and they developed the special pheromone to attract the human monkeys that way to attract us.”
“But that is not logical. If they really want to destroy all of us they could launch a full scale attack at any time. They are actually looking for something. They want to run some experimentation on humans and the best way to do this is by taking away our defence mechanisms. There is no other answer to why they set up this pheromone to attract those poor human monkeys in the middle of a thick jungle fauna.” Lucy said.
Samantha nodded and returned to her job. Lucy looked again into the microscope. The small sample wholly became a neutral substance. Lucy looked at the genome map on the computer in front of her. The complex genetic structure is neatly depicted on the computer monitor. Lucy thought about the fluorescent substance about which Mason have told. All her thought were about what will be that material. If she got a little more time that day in the forest she could have collected all the samples necessary for experimentation. If that explosion didn’t happened much would have been different now.
James got inside the lab and walked toward Lucy. He stood near Lucy and looked at her face.
“I see you’re back in business.” James said.
“Yes I am.” Lucy said.
“There is only a little scars left. They are hardly noticeable.” James commented.
“They healed well thanks to our medicines.” Lucy said.
“Any luck on cure?” James asked with a deep sigh.
“We got something interesting. It may lead us to a cure. At this time I can’t promise anything. I need a little more time to generate some vaccines and to test them. For that we may need those human monkeys.” Lucy said.
“Samson is very emotional about what happen to Jenny. He is really looking forward to a cure. Can I give him some hope?” James asked.
“Like I said before I can’t promise anything. But I do think we are closer to finding a cure. We discussed about you guys going to infiltrate one of the enemy base for information regarding this monkey plague thing. Do you have any plans like that?” Lucy asked.
“We don’t have none of that type. We are in war alert now after what happened to Michael’s team. We can’t let such thing happen again. We really need something to block that blue light thing done by Xhilarians. It is by far the most powerful weapon they possess. Do you have any theories about that?” James asked.
“I haven’t developed none of that. May be Graham may be able to help you with that. He is very good at designing things. He may be able to develop something against the blue light thing.” Lucy said.
“I have already asked about this to him. He still didn’t get any ideas about that.” James said.
“So what is your plan now? You guys can’t wait for those creatures to strike back. You really need to do something to eliminate those wolfdogs and Xhilarians.” Lucy said with a deep breath.
“Well we sort of thinking about striking back. We are waiting for the perfect opportunity. Anytime from now on we will strike back.” James said.
“Ok then. Plan your war thing carefully I have to concentrate on this if you don’t mind.” Lucy said.
“Continue your work. I am going for a shower. I am tired after the training session.” James said and slowly walked toward the exit.
Chapter 35
Wintoria, Green Planet
James and Samson hurriedly paced inside the meeting room. All soldiers were already inside the room. Samson
have called the meeting half an hour ago to discuss about their plans.
“Thank you for coming everyone.” James said and sat in a chair behind the table.
“Tomorrow we are going to a place called Wintoria. Supposedly there is an enemy base. Our satellite images showed enemy movement there. If there is in fact an enemy base, we are going to infiltrate it. We are looking for any information regarding the cure to monkey disease.” Samson said. “Do you have any questions?”
A moment of silence in the room.
“Sir, do we know anything about enemy activity more than those satellite images provided?” One of the soldier asked.
“At this time we don’t know anything deep about enemies. But we are assuming that this enemy base is bigger and there will be heavy security.” James said.
“We want brave soldiers in this mission. If you’re afraid of dying please step back. Those who are coming in this mission will be provided with all the materials necessary for survival. We hope you remember your training. You have to be silent as a mouse and should not hesitate to kill those enemies. You will not get time to think twice. Before that you will be dead. According to our information those Xhilarians uses advanced laser guns. Also we should be very careful about that blue light thing those bastards are showing to control our mind. If you really think those alien scums are taking out this weapon do not hesitate to kill them on the spot. There is only kill or be killed in this mission. We are hoping to take back this Wintoria.” Samson said.
“It’s time for your questions?” James said.
The room fell in silence. No one has any questions.
“Very well then. This meeting is dismissed. See you all tomorrow. We will leave at dawn.” James said.
Everyone left the room and after five minutes James and Samson were the only people in the meeting room.
“I better go and take a shower and ready my guns for tomorrow’s mission.” Samson said.
“Ok. Go ahead.” James said.
Samson left James to his room. Samson slowly paced though the corridor.
“Hey Samson, how’s things are going?” Thomas asked from the control room’s door way.
“Things are looking good. We are going to Wintoria tomorrow to conquer the land.” Samson said proudly. “What about you? Any new information about those Xhilarians?”
“Nah. Nothing new to report.” Thomas said.
“Look I better get going. Have many things to finish before tomorrow’s mission.” Samson said.
“Ok. I get it.” Thomas said. “See you after the mission.”
“I am looking forward to it.” Samson said and left Thomas.
Everyone woke up early in the morning. Sun haven’t rose in the horizon. Samson and James leaded the soldiers in to two separate military Humvees.
“Are you all ready to take the mission?” James asked.
“Yes sir.” All said in unison.
Everyone got inside the Humvees and driver put the Humvees in drive. Moments later the two Humvees rushed through the gravel road. In front of the driver in the first Humvee is a tablet which is showing the directions to Wintoria. So far no wolfdogs are seen. Outside the Humvees rain heavily fell from the skies. There are puddles of rain water on the road. The road hasn’t maintained for many years. Humvees jerked while moving through the loose stones on the road. After an hour of journey the Humvees reached the town named Wintoria.
“Destination reached, destination reached...” The automated voice on the tablet computer said.
The Humvees stopped moving and everyone got outside. Here rain is very much stronger than in the places they have just passed. Suddenly a wolfdog jumped out of nowhere on to a soldier. The wolfdog stood on top of the soldier and opened its mouth to byte. But the fallen soldier kept the beast’s mouth at bay using his gun. The beast bit on the gun and moved its head to and fro. Quickly another soldier fired his gun in the beast’s head. The wolfdog immediately fell to the side.
“You ok?” Samson asked.
“Yes I am fine.” The fallen soldier said.
One soldier helped the fallen soldier to his feet. Soldiers trained their gun in all direction and brace for any creatures to jump on them. But nothing came. Soldiers slowly moved through the road while watching for any danger. Then they saw it. A large building supposedly built by the Xhilarians. No wolf dogs are on sight. Samson and James looked at the building through their binocular. There are dozens of Xhilarians walking inside the building. The elongated head of the Xhilarians are clearly visible through the binocular. In the horizon sun came up in its blazing glory. And a wide rainbow is formed behind the building. Rain has already stopped and the clouds cleared away from the skies.
Soldiers slowly crawled their way through the bushes on the side of the building. The creatures haven’t detected the human presence yet. Looks like there are no wolfdogs on the building’s perimeter. Soldiers got near a window of the building and looked through it. No creatures are in the room. A big enemy ship landed on the yard and one human like creature leaded some human monkeys out of the ship to inside the building. The poor human monkeys are following the creature since no other choice is available to them. Their hands are bind using a sort of nylon rope.
Soldiers slowly opened the window by sliding away the glass panel and got inside the room. Samson and James were the last to enter. The small room is filled with cardboard boxes. One soldier slowly opened the door and looked at the hallway. The hallway is completely empty. The soldier gestured his hand to other soldiers, to move to the hallway. One soldier trained his gun on the hallway and looked for any incoming danger. Other soldiers slowly entered the hallway. The hallway is lit by small light bulbs. As soon as everyone entered the hallway, the soldier closed the door behind him.
Soldiers split into two groups and the soldiers moved in both direction of the hallway, guns still trained well. Suddenly a Xhilarian came out from one end of the hallway. The creature immediately saw the human soldiers. Quickly the creature’s hand moved to the waist for the laser gun. But the soldiers were quick. The creature dropped to the floor with a wide hole in its head by the plasma bolt. But unfortunate for the humans the plasma bolt didn’t stop even after it made a hole in the creature’s head. It moved a little more distance and made a hole on the wall.
Suddenly the whole building filled with commands in the unknown language.
Chapter 36
Wintoria, Green Planet
“Oh! Shit!” Samson couldn’t believe what just happened. “Our cover is blown.”
Soldiers trained their gun in both direction. Both groups moved forward, step by step very slowly, gun is still pointed to the exit. Suddenly creatures start to emerge from both the exits. Soldiers didn’t wait for orders, they immediately start to fire. Four Xhilarians dropped to the floor. Then the creatures start to fire from the wall’s protection. One soldier fell down. Soldiers concentrated their shots at the wall. Plasma beams cut through the concrete walls easily. Five more creatures immediately fell down.
Samson and James moved forward and checked the entire hallway. Hall way is now quiet.
“Samson, you go in right direction. I will go left. Careful and don’t ever hesitate.” James said.
Samson nodded and moved with the soldiers in right direction. James and others went in left direction. Samson and team carefully checked the exit door. One soldier opened the door and another immediately checked inside the room. The room is empty. Everyone entered the small room and moved forward. Looks like this room connects with another part of the building through another door. Samson opened the door and one soldier slowly crept outside gun still trained.
“It’s emp...” The soldier didn’t finish, before that he fell on the floor with a wide hole in his chest.
More laser bolts hit the door. The door crumbled. Samson took out a flash grenade from his pocket and armed it. Then he rolled the grenade through the floor in the enemies’ direction. Soldiers braced for the explosion.
A bright light illuminated the whole place. Successful explosion. Two of the soldiers entered the second hallway and checked for any danger. They saw the dead creatures lying on the floor. The entire wall is coloured in black due to the explosion. They motioned others to enter the hallway. Samson and others slowly crept outside the room. This hallway leads only in one direction. More doors are on the way on the left wall of the corridor. Soldiers checked each room on the way. Every room is empty. The Xhilarians must have moved away from here. Soldiers finally reached the exit. There is a stair way that leads to the upper floor. Samson and team slowly climbed the stairs. Suddenly a big explosion happened on the other side of the building possibly by James and team. Everyone looked through the windows in the opposite part of the building from where the explosion have happened. Smoke is rising from the building. Suddenly laser bolts and plasma bolts danced from where James and team have went.