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The Andromedan Saga (Among the Stars Book 1) Page 7
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Page 7
“I remember the scream of the soldiers and my co-workers. I was in the control room with captain. We were talking about these hellish wolfdogs. When we heard the scream…we ran towards it. Then I saw a blue light. That’s all I remember.” Graham said.
“I remember opening the hangar door for a human.” Said Thomas.
“What human?” Sandy asked.
“I was drinking coffee on the second level when I saw the man. He was running towards the ship. I thought some creature may probably been chasing him. So I opened the hangar’s door for him. He said sorry. Then I saw the blue light. And now I am here in this godforsaken place surrounded by hellish creatures.” Thomas said.
“Something must have tricked you…or…Some other living being…may be more advanced thing, probably used the human you saw as a bait.” Sandy said.
“That make sense.” Graham said.
“But where is our friends?” Sandy asked. “I don’t see any other cages here.”
“They must be somewhere else. But I don’t see any creature who walk upright as Sandy said, either.” Thomas said.
“There is some human like creature here in this planet that’s certain. There is no way these wolfdogs could have made these cages.” Graham said.
“I agree with that.” Thomas said.
Suddenly Thomas saw the creature Sandy have described. The creature with elongated head and ear. This creature could walk like humans. The creature is wearing outfit made out of some kind of black material. The fabric seemed to be thick. There is a small pistol like thing strapped in the creature’s waist, probably some sort of gun.
The intelligent creature is walking towards their cage. It stood just in front of Thomas, only a line of metal rods separating them. The wolfdogs have walked away to a distance. They growled from where they stood. The human hybrid said something in some unknown language.
“Look we don’t want any trouble. Please let us go. We mean no harm to you.” Thomas said.
Suddenly a device strapped to the human looking creature’s waist beeped and said something in the unknown language. The creature smiled at Thomas and draw the device from its sheath. Then said something in the unknown language.
“You humans are pathetic little creatures who thing you’re the one who knows everything. You know nothing. You are a vermin who has no right to live in this universe or any other. You are a virus. You should never have evolved from those pathetic creatures, apes. You are a species that never should have existed.” The device in the hands of the creature translated to English.
“Look this is a misunderstanding, every living being has the right to live. You can’t just exterminate a species. A species highly intelligent as you should never do things like this.” Graham said.
The device translated what graham have said into the unknown language. The human hybrid creature smiled again at Graham’s comment.
The creature said something. A moment later “There is no mistake. There is no misunderstanding. You’re like the cancer cells which should be cut out.” The device translated.
“As a matter of fact we have found cure to cancer you son of a bitch. There is no need for cutting out cancer cells anymore.” Graham said.
The device translated Graham’s words. The creature’s eye widened. This time the creature looked more seriously. The creature took out a device similar to a radio from its cloth’s pocket and said something in the unknown language.
“Change of plans. These newly captured humans know more things. We have to find where they have come from and experiment on them. We may want to interrogate them for more information. Then we could exterminate them.” The device suddenly translated. The creature may have forgot to turn it off.
“You bitch, you get nothing.” Sandy yelled.
The creature smiled at them and left. Suddenly some more of the human like creature came forward and began to roll the cage toward a large field.
The site in front of them horrified Thomas. Hundreds of cages are sitting in the field. Inside them are ape like humans which they have encountered as the first found living being on this planet.
Chapter 19
Near Locovilla Hospital, Green Planet
Samson and team took three trucks from the Skylark’s hangar. The trucks rushed through the gravelled road. They moved until they reached an intersection connecting three roads which they have earlier encountered on the journey to Saxonvilla Space Research Center.
“The creatures came from right.” One of the soldier said.
“Ok. We go right.” Samson said.
The trucks moved through the road on the right side. They passed two abandoned houses then the truck suddenly halted.
“What’s wrong?” Samson asked to the driver.
“Look on the north side of the house. Do you see it? The human who have turned in to the ape.” Driver said.
Samson looked at the direction the driver pointed. Then he saw it too. The thing is very small. Possibly an eleven year old kid.
“What do we do with it?” The driver asked.
“The wolf dog creatures appeared to be not harming any of these human apes. So let’s be on our way. First we have to find our friends and save them then we could decide what to do with these creatures.” Samson said.
The driver started the truck and accelerated toward a large town. The town’s sign indicate that they are in a place called Locovilla. So far they have not seen any creatures. In the far left they could see a large building.
“Go in that direction.” Samson said pointing to the large building. “This must be the building we saw from the ship.”
“Ok I will drive in that direction.” Driver said.
The three trucks rushed toward the large building. When they reached there, they could see the board hanging from its roofs. The board read Victoria Hospital.
“The creature definitely came from this direction.” Samson said.
The truck moved through the road in front of the hospital. Trucks rushed through the gravel path. All of the passengers are looking through the window for any sign of life, for their fellow mates.
On the way they saw many wandering human monkeys. But no sign of the wolf dogs.
“So Jasper, any idea about what we are dealing here?” Samson broke the silence.
“This organism we are dealing with must be some advanced…very advanced creatures. There is no other way they could shut down our planet’s defence system. They somehow detected life forms in this planet through our firewall. Our defence system was designed to block any external life detecting signals.” Jasper said.
“Any idea about where they came from?” Samson asked.
“My guess is that they detected us when we were experimenting travel through black hole. They must have come through one of the black holes located in the center of our galaxy.” Jasper said.
“So, did you succeed in travelling through black holes?” This time it was Jenny asking curiously.
“We sort of succeeded.” Jasper said.
“Sort of?” Jenny asked.
“We have deployed research pods inside black holes and they have transmitted images to us revealing another galaxy or possibly another universe.” Jasper said.
“How long did you take your job as Astrophysicist?” Jenny asked changing the subject.
“It’s been about three years now.” Jasper said with a wide smile.
“So Jasper, what exactly do you know about these aliens we are talking about?” Samson asked.
“These creature are as I earlier said more advanced than us. Their ships are supposedly designed to travel through black holes. The material of the ship we detected is very hard to find and is highly heat resistant. The ships are also huge, possibly fully automated and may be designed for advanced warfare.” Jasper said.
“So are you saying that you didn’t even got chance to strike back?” Jenny asked.
“We are a race of space explorers, we mean no harm to anyone. That’s exactly why we designed
a system to camouflage our flora and fauna. We have known for centuries that people of earth were greedy for everything. They will colonize to everywhere if they have to and destroy life forms, no offence. But it’s the nature of human beings. We somehow manage to hold back those greediness. We did attacked them with our short range missiles but our weapons were useless against them. Within minutes the plague spread through our planet then you can imagine what has happened.” Jasper said.
They reached somewhere near the foothills. That’s when they saw it. A big space ship parked in between two mountains. Everyone silently got out of the vehicles. The ship is about one mile away from them but they could see it clearly. Samson take out a binocular from the truck, and he looked through it. The place is filled with those hellish dogs. These dogs are larger than they have earlier encountered.
Samson focused the binocular’s lenses. Then he saw it. A creature similar to humans but with elongated head and ear and walking on two legs. It also have two hands. He handed his binocular to Jenny. Jenny also saw the human hybrid. Jenny’s eyes widened.
“Guys we think we saw the intelligent life form Jasper was talking about.” Samson said pointing toward the ship.
Every one took out binoculars from the truck and looked through it. Everyone saw what they are dealing with here.
“It’s better if you researchers stay here with the truck, while we soldiers deal with those things.” Samson said.
“You may need an extra gun, we are coming with you.” One of the researcher said. All others nodded in agreement.
“Ok then. But I cannot guarantee your safety.” Samson said.
“Ok.” The researcher said.
“Ok then, here is the plan. We all split into four groups just like we did before. Remember we are sixty one in number. We are going to surround the ship and kill those bitches. Are you all in?” Samson asked.
“Yes.” All said in unison.
“Ok let’s move out.” Samson said.
Soldiers and researchers split into four groups and moved in four directions to surround the ship. The wolfish dogs haven’t detected them yet. When they reached a safe distance from the ship, all of them carefully moved toward the ship in a semi-circular shape. The ship is indeed very advanced, Samson and team could clearly see that right now.
Suddenly the wolfish creatures detected them and with a sharp shriek they all ran toward them.
Chapter 20
Unknown location, Green Planet
The plasma gun silently cut down the approaching creatures. But the creatures kept on coming. Finally soldier’s plasma gun killed every last one of the creature who have approached them. So far no casualty. The plasma guns works well against the wolfish creatures. They passed the mutilated corpses of the hellish dogs. They killed about hundreds of them. Suddenly the human like creatures came out of the ship and start shooting with some kind of laser guns. One researcher got hit in the chest and suddenly fell.
Soldiers start shooting back. The creatures are protected by the big rocks in front of Samson and his team. But the plasma gun dismantled the rocks. Rocks burst into pieces in mid-air when the plasma bolts hit it. One of the human like creature fell down.
There are about fifteen human like creatures shooting at Samson’s team. Samson and his team surrounded them and shot down every last one of them.
Suddenly one of those human like creature came out of the ship with a blue light in his hand. The thing lifted the blue light and showed to Samson and his team. All of them stopped shooting, and approached the blue light without knowing what they are doing.
Suddenly the creature’s skull exploded. The soldiers shake their head. They couldn’t understand what is happening. It’s like suddenly their mind became blank and now with a large number of thoughts.
Jenny emerged from the back of the ship. A laser gun in her hand. It was she who killed the creature.
“You were being controlled by some sort of light device.” Jenny said to everyone.
“What…was…that blue light?” Samson asked.
“As I said, that was a light device which controls our mind. I shot down the creature from the back. After that you got your mind back thanks to me.” Jenny said smiling.
Everyone nodded. All of them walked toward the ship. Some researcher take out their Genometer and checked the DNA of the human like creature.
“This creature is a distant relative of human. These things must be evolved from humans.” Said one researcher.
“They have evolved from human or not. They certainly don’t like humans.” One of the soldier said.
Samson nodded in agreement.
They walked inside the ship through the opened ramp. The ship is appeared to be a research vessel. They walked to the ships control room. Some of them split in to four groups and began to search the entire ship.
After an hour of searching everyone came out of the ship, the ship is totally empty. No sign of human like creatures or Sandy and team. They walked tired. Two of the researchers are dead.
“We will now check the ship’s surrounding.” Samson said.
All nodded with tired eyes. But there is a great deal of satisfaction in their mind, after all they have eliminated a threat. Everyone starts to search the ships surrounding. Suddenly one of the soldier spotted it. About half a mile away from their location. A field filled with what appeared to be cages. Samson took his binocular from his pant’s back pocket and looked through it.
The place is filled with cages and some of the wolf dogs are there patrolling the perimeter. It seems that they have not yet heard any commotion taken place here.
“Everyone, silently move toward that location. The cages are filled with human apes. Our friends may also be there.” Samson said.
Everyone silently moved to that location like they earlier did. After fifteen minute or so they reached near the field. The wolfish dogs sensed Samson and his team and ran toward them with a loud roar. The human monkeys inside the cages looked in that direction. Samson and his team quickly takeout the creatures using their plasma guns.
The wolfish dogs in this place seemed to be larger in size. But none of them stood a chance against the plasma bolts. Suddenly two of the human like creatures came out of nowhere and start to shoot with their laser guns. Two soldiers and one researcher quickly fell down. Samson and his team ran to the field and split into small number of groups. Now they have cage’s protection. They start to shoot at human like creatures from there and two of them quickly went down.
Then suddenly a loud speech in some kind of unknown language can be heard.
“All of you stand down, put down your weapons and come forward. Or I will inject her with this plague virus.” Supposedly a device translated the speech in to English.
Everyone look forward and saw that one of the human like creature have Jenny. Jenny stayed still. In the creature’s hand is a syringe filled with a blue liquid and it is pointed at Jenny’s neck.
“Don’t you dare put down your weapons. Think about it I am just a researcher. You can’t surrender for a one life. There are thousands of lives to be saved.” Jenny said out loud.
When the creature saw that no one is moving forward or putting down their weapons, suddenly the creature injected Jenny with the blue liquid. Jenny quickly hit at the creature’s stomach with her elbow. The creature growled with pain. Samson quickly shot down the creature. The creature stood on his knees and smiled at them. Then said something. Then went down.
“You human vermin can’t stop us. We will find where you came from and believe me, we will tear down everything.” The device in the creature’s waist translated.
Samson approached Jenny. Tears ran down through her cheek. Suddenly fur began to form on her head, and then everywhere on her body developed fur. Her lips began to take form like that of an ape. Tears filled Samson’s eyes.
“I will find cure for this…And make you well again. I promise.” Samson said crying like a child.
“May be there i
s an antidote somewhere here, they normally have to take precautions if they accidentally exposed to it, right?” A soldier said.
Samson quickly began to search everywhere but he didn’t find anything that promised as an antidote. He saw only the blue vials filled with that virus pandemic. Samson turned back with sad eyes.
“Release everyone in the cages.” Samson said.
“Sergeant, I found Doctor Graham, Sandy, and Thomas in one of the cages.” One of the soldier called out.
Samson followed his voice and found what he is talking about. Graham, Sandy and Thomas are inside one of the cages. They look tired. Thomas finally looked up and saw Samson’s eyes. Samson unlocked the cage. Graham, Sandy and Thomas got out of the cage and walked toward Samson.